Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Road to the left of me, road to the right

I've been calling myself a middle of the road extremist for decades. I can recall using this term as early as 1976. That makes for at least a 30 year old road.

This label does not mean I always have a centrist view on everything. That indeed is true for some things. But for many other issues, I could be left of center, or right of center, or maybe even flying overhead. You might have to look in a direction you did not anticipate to find me.

I used the term "extremist" somewhat as a pun on words. Usually, people are labeled extremist or radical if their views are far to one side or the other. So it would seem that someone in the middle would never be called an extremist. But in my case, my views do sometimes go to an extreme. They may go far left. They may go far right. And they may be smack dab in the middle where everyone else is to the left or right.

Future posts here will hit on some specific topics. They may be current issues. Or they may just be things I've been an extremist about for years or decades.


At 11:26 PM, Blogger Bernard (ben) Tremblay said...

Good to see you in the blogosphere?

I peeked your geek stuff ... when I read FIFO I at least knew what you were talking about!

My "claim to fame" is that I proof read a draft of AX-25 in '71. Or '70 ... I forget.


At 11:27 PM, Blogger Bernard (ben) Tremblay said...


The "good to see you" was s'posed to me an exclamation, not a question. (I'm typing on my lap, 2nd keyboard, in dim light.)


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